Wednesday 10 December 2014

Architectural Design Studio 4

Project 1  Green Info Shelter: Exploring the Environment Poetics

In a group of two, we had to build a green info shelter with a volume of 3m x 3m x 3m that served the purpose of providing info on events and activities in CODA and SABD. CODA is a important gallery in our campus to exhibits students' work. It had to provide shelter for students waiting for pick up too as for the strategic location at the roundabout.

Presentation Board 1
Presentation Board 2

The structure we had designed had responded to the basic natural contect like the wind, heat, sun, rain and so on other than the existing context. Environmental sustainability had been considered to ensure that the design would suit the campus. We had started to be more practical in the use of space and in protecting the users from wind, sun and rain. We also had learned to do site analysis in a smaller group within a given site. Discussion was very much needed in the group.

Project 2  Nature Appreciation Centre (NAC)

A public building with the objective of creating an awareness protecting nature in Belum Rainforest was to be designed, provided with the facilities:

a. Communal/Meeting Hall (100 pax)
b. Information Area (200 sqm)
c. Learning Spaces (100 sqm)
d. Refreshment Area ( 30 pax + kitchen)

Other facilities like the parking and the pedestrian access can be provided depending on the users selected.

Here are the pictures of the model:


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Presentation Board

In this final project, I learned to further imply the ideas of environmental sustainability in my design. This was also my first time doing a clustered design which I had faced lots of difficulties. But I had learned to overcome the problems with the help of my lecturers and coursemates. I also tried to relate architectural spaces with the basic natural context and the existing built context which had an impact to the users.

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