Tuesday 9 July 2013

Architectural Design Studio 1

Introduction to architectural design as a self-expression, through the design of a full-size space for one's own habitation, taking into account basic awareness of programme, materials, structure, construction and site.

Project 1 Self-Expression Through Object (Representing Me)
I have to create an artwork that best represents myself. I can choose any method such as poem, sculpture, drawing, etc. to create my representational piece.

I am able to identify the inner self and my own character through this project. I interpret the information I have got and translate it into a piece of art. I have abstracted and redefined my initial idea as a way to communicate and represent my abstracted sense of self.

Here is a short summary of my representational piece:
I am a person who does not like to make decisions most of the time. I seldom take a firm stand and depend a lot on others' advice, especially someone close to me. I like friends that makes decisions at times that I do not know what to do. The hair in the drawing is messy which shows that I am confused when I were to make a decision. And the candle shows that I need guidance or advice from the others. The popup in front portrays that I am not sure of the inner voice in me that I do not dare to bring out.

Portrait of Myself

Project 2 Self-Expression through Architectural Space (Me in Space)
We develop and refine conceptual narratives and storylines based on ourselves (between group members of 3). Then we have to produce a 1:1 installation to represent ourselves in the space. We also have to produce a A3 size presentation panel and give a 5-minute verbal presentation.

Throughout this project, I learn to further develop my ideas and translate them into space. I also get to explore the human form of myself and understands how myself is related to the space. I have more understanding about scale and proportion in the relationship between the body and space. I also learn about basic design principles and terminologies during the design process.

Model-Making in Process

Complete Model

Model Exhibition in the Campus

Presentation Board

Project 3 Space for the Self (My City Dreamspace)
I am required to design a sequence of at least 2-3 spaces that takes up anywhere between one-thirds to two-thirds of the vacant home ( approx. 5mW x 15mD x 12.5mH) within my site which is according to the movie "The Fifth Element". I have to create two A2 presentation panels including a 200-word text, all the necessary orthographic drawing and sectional perspective or axonometric. During the presentation, I have to present 2 presentation panels, a final model, A3 sketch journal and study models with a 5-minute verbal presentation.

From this project, I learn to design and produce a space that embodies and expresses my idea or conceptual narrative. I am able to distinguish the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between myself and the designed space. I also learn to identify and apply basic design principles in spatial organisation and relationships.

1st Presentation Board

2nd Presentation Board

Final Model | Scale 1:50

My Site Model | Scale 1:50

Perspective View of My Hideout


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