Tuesday 9 July 2013

Architecture Culture & History 1

Chronological survey of the intellectual, aesthetic, technological, political and economic factors that influenced the development of Western Architecture from early civilisation to Enlightenment. 

Project: Precedent Study
Essay (Group)
In a group of 5, we need to write a 500-word essay, including images, sketches or diagrams to fit maximum five A4-size papers of the chosen building which is Florence Cathedral in Italy on its design ideas and significant contribution to its culture.

Analysis Presentation Board (Individual)
Drawings including floor plans, building sections, analysis diagrams and sketches have to be composed and presented on one A2 board using free hand. The drawings should communicate the depth of the analysis of the building Florence Cathedral.

Individual Presentation Board

Model (Group)
As a group, we have to create a model (30cm x 30cm x 10cm) to communicate our analysis. It can be of the entire structure or a important part of the building. The model should have the important structure, components, ideas and concepts of our precedent.

Our progress is as below:
Progress on the 1st Day

Final Model

Facade and Campanile

Section of the Dome

Rose Window

From this project, I learn about the basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships. I also learn to classify and exemplify the sequence of history periods and how they are represented architecturally. After this project, I can also recognise and recall appropriate  verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, style and periods.

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