Thursday 17 July 2014

Building Construction 2

Project 1 Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure
In a group of 6, we are to build a model using materials like popsicle sticks, toothpick, thread and pins only. No glue is allowed using the construction of the tower. The tower should not be more than 30cm high and not more than 100 pieces of popsicle sticks can be used. At the end of the day, the tower has to be tested with load until the maximum. A report analysing the structure of the tower has to be provided in A3 size.
Here is our analysis:

The tower



Group photo

I learn to apply what we learn in class and do further research on it. More knowledge is gained on the connections and the tying method to secure the joints. I also learn that triangle is very strong and can withstand more load applied. So braces are added to the tower to balance the force that transfer down the vertical structures. Our tower only can withstand 40kg which is very small. The reason of failure is because of the instability of the tower and insecure joints.

Project 2 Understanding Forces in Solid and Surface Construction
For the group task, we form a group of 7 and propose a building with solid construction which is the Bechtler Museum. We have to identify the different structural systems used in the construction and choose at least two of the systems. Then we have to produce a model showing the selected structural systems in suitable scale and using appropriate material. A book has to be produced discussing the building, construction methods, modelling process and different detailing of the building.

The photos below show our model built:

Floor slab


Overall model

The interior

Overall view

This is our booklet about the Bechtler Museum:

In the individual part, each of the group members has to pick a structural system and do a 2D detail drawing (isometric & section) on the details. The drawings have to have annotations and specifications to show my understanding on the details.

I have identify the different structural systems together with my group mates through discussions and observations. I am able to identify the solid construction from the surface construction too. The main systems we choose are the cladding system and the column detailing. We did some details on the wall and the floor slab too to show our basic understanding to the basic structures. We also analyse the loads and forces to help us in making the model stable and does not collapse under its own weight. From the individual work, I learn different material used in the construction and the construction method used to withstand the loads.

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