Friday 6 December 2013

Environmental Sustainable Design

This module introduces us to environmental issues and provides further understanding of the complexities that the design and construction professions have to deal with the irreversible damage that architecture causes to the environment. This module also instill basic ecological literacy and environmental concerns through projects that involves local environment and society.

Project 1 Green-Go 2013 International Short Film Contest
For this project, I choose to make a campaign film which has a maximum duration of 60 seconds and the topic I have chosen is Water - the drop of life. The purpose of the video clip is to create awareness to the society especially the future architects of their role and responsibility towards the environment and society. In my video clip I include general facts of how much water we have wasted in our everyday life and some tips to save water. This is the very least I can do to help to create an awareness to the world today to save water and our Mother Earth.

Here is my video clip:

Project 2 Appreciate Environment - Nothing is Considered Waste
In a group of 4, we have to produce a A2 size research poster of the construction wastes generated by two sites. The sites we have chosen are the fire station in Kuala Lumpur and 2-storey terrace house in Pandamaran, Klang. We were exposed to general construction material wastage and how and why they are being wasted. We compare the similarities and differences of the waste created between two sites and we find that the fire station creates less waste compared to the terrace house. Besides that, we also did the Life Cycle Analysis for the waste material generated and learn in-depth how the waste could do to the environment. Some innovative ways are also proposed to recycle and reuse the waste to reduce the harm done to the earth.

Site Visit

Presentation Board

For the individual part, our group decide to have a theme which is musical instrument. I come up with idea of making a tambourine. To make the tambourine, I choose big PVC pipe and metal strip which are collected from the construction site we went.


This is the modified tambourine that I have made. I hope that this creates an awareness that waste materials can be reused or recycled to produce beautiful things or even a cute musical instrument that can be played by little kids.

My Modified Tambourine

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