Wednesday 10 December 2014

Building Structures

Project 1  Fettuccine Truss Bridge

In a group of 5, we had carried out a precedent study of a bridge which was the Heshbon Bridge in this case. We discussed in a group to design and construct a fettuccine bridge based on the precedent study. But there was a limit of 750mm clear span and maximum weight of 200g. After testing its efficiency, we had analyse and evaluate its strength and the truss analysis. Individually, each of us had to analyse the truss of the given exercise.

This is the report done by us:

Bridge report from Elaine Bong

I had developed an understanding of the tension and compression strength of consing truss analysis, I also understood the force distribution in a truss. This is important in designing a bridge with aesthetic value and minimal materials.

Project 2  Extension of a R.C. Bungalow

In a group of 8, we had chosen a 2 storey bungalow with a flat roof. We designed the structural frame referring to the floor plan given which included the foundation plan, first floor plan, and roof plan. Then as a pair, we had to propose an extension for the building not exceeding 30% of the existing floor area. Visual drawings like 3D models, floor plans, and structural plans had to be shown for further understanding. Then each of us were required to analyse minimum 6 beams and 4 columns. All of the report had to be recorded in A4 report format.

Structure report from Elaine Bong

In this project, I learned to design the structure layout in a group. Before designing, I knew how to identify the structural components. After deciding on the layout, we did a complete documentation on the structural system we designed. After proposing the extension for the bungalow, my partner and I had fully explored and understand the concept of structural analysis.

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