Tuesday 9 July 2013

Design Communication

This subject introduces me to the fundamental skills for communication of architectural design, taught through freehand, constructed drawing, and architectural modeling held outdoors and in the studio.

Project 1(a) On-site Sketching
We have to draw four A4 landscape size sketches of both exterior and interior spaces to record our observation and perception of spaces and human habitation of these spaces through free hand.

Through this assignment, I understand the notion of space in architecture and develop skills in visualising of space through observing a perception of a site. I know what to emphasize on and used rendering skills to do that. My sketching and rendering skills have improved a lot thus enhance our communication skill through drawings.

Ampitheatre in TUC

Guard House in Suriamas Condo

Living Room

Relaxing Area in Office

Project 1(b) Tonal Value

I have to produce four variation of tonal value sketch. I am allowed to use different type of hatching method and medium.

I learned about different sketching technique such as stippling, hatching, cross-hatching and scribbling. I understand the shade formed due to the direction of light projection and know how to show various tonal value through rendering. My sketching technique is also enhanced throughout this project.





Project 2(a) Orthographic Projection: Plans, Sections, Elevations
I am to produce drawings of Barcelona Pavilion at a standard appropriate architectural scale (1:100) which include the floor plan, front, back, left and right elevations, cross section and longitudinal section.

It is the first time I demonstrate proper drafting skills in architectural drawing and use drafting tools such as t-square, set square, and technical pens. I have learned to record and present clear and legible architectural information manually besides applying architectural conventions and symbols. I am able to demonstrate line types, line weight, line quality and hand lettering in the drawing too.

Plan, Elevations and Sections of Barcelona Pavilion

Project 2(b) Axonometric Projection
In this project, I have to produce an axonometric drawing of Barcelona Pavilion in appropriate architectural scale (1:100) referring to my orthographic drawing and documents for measurements and information.

I am able to visualise building in 3D and express the spatial ideas and architectural details in the format of axonometric projection. I have also understand the application of axonometric drawing and understand the building even better. Moreover, my hand-drawing skill, neatness of line and overall visual aesthetic of the drawing have improved greatly. The neatness of my presentation board has improved too compared to Project 2(a).

Axonometric Projection of Barcelona Pavilion

Project 2(c) Perspectives
In this project, I am required to produce a one-point perspective and two-point perspective drawing of the interior and exterior of Barcelona Pavilion. 

I understand the relationship between 2D and 3D constructions of space and then use the 2D information to translate into 3D drawing. I have learned the techniques to draw one-point and two-point perspective drawing. I have also learned what is picture plane, stationary point and viewing angle. My rendering skills have improved by trying different type of media such as colour pencil.

Perspective Drawing of Barcelona Pavilion

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